26 March 2007

Details of Rahu in Scorpio (Vrishchik) and Ketu in taurus (Vrishabh)

Rahu in Scorpio gives activity, perseverance and subtlety, which will enable the native to succeed. It is also a sign of good-health, or, more strictly speaking, of physical stamina. Success will not always be attained as quickly as may be desired, but will come after great difficulties; and the native’s dearly-bought happiness will endure all the longer.

Ketu in Taurus gives material instincts, the necessity for physical exertion, and sensuous desires, which will often cause the commission of blunders. This position makes the native selfish; he likes his own comfort above everything else, and as he is not lazy or work-shy he will obtain what he wants. Ketu in Taurus gives fits of energy followed by periods of unconquerable weariness and laziness.

Rahu in Scorpio shows the need to go the way of regeneration. Spiritual integration comes through going from selfish interests to concern for others. Must let the Divine Will be done, not the personal will. Only through the way of the Higher Self will thus person find peace.

Ketu in Taurus means emphasis has been on material things in the past. Person has overemphasized their importance. In whatever house this node is placed in, there must be relinquishment of a possiessive or materialistic attitude.

Here the individual is learning how to accept revolutionary changes within himself as well as the conditions in his life. He would like to rest, thinking that his soul journey is over. So tired is he, from past life memories of the yoke of his earthly burdens, that whatever the cost he would like to feel settled. As a result, he finds it difficult to develop the strength for future changes.

Tenaciously he clings to old behavior patterns which served him well during past incarnations. He has become personally attached to doing things the hard way. Like the oxen plowing the fields, he walks laboriously through this life as if it were one long, straight furrow. He expends so much physical energy that he weakens his Spiritual Self to the point that he becomes blinded from seeing any new possibilities other than the singularly drab existence he has been accustomed to leading.

He finds it difficult to learn by watching others. Instead, he would rather work through each of life’s experiences himself. As a result, he spends more time, effort and energy that he has to in each growth phase. Still, he feels he must be sure of himself. So great is his need fr security that even when he makes changes in his life, they are in fact not changes at all, but merely other aspects of the same behavior patterns he has been using all along.

In past incarnations, he developed a sensitivity to his environment. In order to cope with the continuation of such a sensitivity, he starts early in this life to explore the world of sensory impressions. He learns what feels pleasurable and how to obtain it. Nevertheless, he always seems to fall short of reaching complete and lasting satisfaciton. He doesn’t realize that one appetite begets another. His great need for possessions makes it difficult for him to enjoy what he does not personally own. As a result, he thrusts himself into long-enduring battles of ownership over people, things and ideas. He stubbronly holds onto all that comes his way. The more he collectively accumulates, the more he traps himself. What was in other lifetimes a great need for the acquiring of substance now turns into the extra weight of excess baggage he is carrying. As the years go by, the yoke of his burdens becomes heavier.

He has created a need to feel powerful so that he can seek temporary refuge from the dismal sense of failure that ha splagued him in former incarnations. As a result, he even goes so far as to seek in this life an occupation which puts him in an authoritative position.

He has undergone so much past life damage to the ego that he now experiences an intense need to prove himself worthy of respect. He will fall into deep depression when confronted with the possibility of others finding him lacking in any area. To prevent this from happening, he will push himself towards success no matter what the cost.

It is almost a certainty that at some time in this life the intensity of his karma will bring him to be at least circumstantially involved with the police.

As he reaches for his Scorpio Rahu, this individual undergoes a complete transformation. He starts to kill old behavior patterns by burning bridges behind him. Experiences teach him how to cut ties cleanly, so that he does not walk into the future with both feet tied to the past. His biggest growth occurs when he is able to let go.

Inner dependency needs must be transformed into complete independence of thought and action. Strength increases with each passing year as he slowly discards from his consciousness all that oppresses him.

He must learn how objectively to study the results of his subconscious desires so that he can earn self-respect through practising self-discipline.

These Nodes symbolize the soul who for many lifetimes has been moving along a decadent path. Now teh soul vessel is to be turned upside down in order to rid itself of the decay it has collected.

Fulfiling the karma of this overturning process is extremely painful to the individual, as he may lose all he ever held near and dear. In the end, he will unquestionably relinquish more than he bargained for.

So powerful is this transformation that many with these Nodes eventually spend their later years alone. In the process of eliminating excess, they have discarded everything but themselves.

Nevertheless, much of htis is necessary if the individual is to reach the point where he can see himself clearly on the very deepest of levels. Out of this symbolic death of all he ever possessed will come his new life.

The house position of the Ketu indicates the area which has become decadent as a result of past incarnations. The house position of the Rahu shows the way in which a current-life rebirth can be accomplished.

You must learn to accept (or give) financial and other types of help when necessary. Your Taurus Ketu may reply: ‘Yeah, but if you can’t earn it (or do it) yourself, you don’t deserve it’.

Your problem may be a hang-up about power.

Possible reasons: A repressive environment has made you feel that it’s you against the world. A lack of understanding of your environment. A refusal to help unless there’s something in it for you. An upbringing where there’s been an overemphasis on money, things, or importance.

Possible solutions: Become more active in joint endeavours - a business partnership, encounter group, community project, etc.. Sharpen and develop your imagination. Concentrate on material growth regardless of what happens. Give all your money and possessions to a guru or religious sect and let them provide for you.

Taurus Ketu often tries to make willpower a substitute for insight. He or she feels that by developing his or her willpower he or she will be able to handle whatever curves life throws him or her. He or she is often especially fond of simplistic self-help books and success formulae that promise unlimited earnings. Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting to help yourself. And no-one would deny the importance of willpower. We’ve already seen what problems can arise when you don’t build up your own resources. But all the money, power and determination in the world is useless unless you know where your problems are coming from. Developing the Scorpio Rahu’s potential for insight will improve success potential drastically.

Signs of an over-developed Taurus Ketu are: refusal to think about anything that’s not backed up by conclusive and irrevocable proof; insensitivity: disregard for others’ rights; shyness; everything viewed in terms of money; excessive introversion; shrewdness rather than intelligence; self-indulgence; a very conservative or ‘dated’ manner of dress or speech; vanity but no real confidence; and cowardice.

Rahu in Scorpio consciously or subconsciously wants to be tested. He or she wants to experience the highest and lowest phases of existence in order to get in touch with his or her deepest emotions and learn to balance them. He or she wants a crash course in living and experiencing. In contrast, we find a person with good common sense and rather repressed emotions. He or she clings to home, possessions, and routines in a way that keeps life on an even keel, devoid of major highs or lows. Conservatism often squelches this person’s dreams.

Antidotes for Scorpio imbalance: These seem to be the most subconscious of all imbalances; and client awareness is often very limited unless he or she is in a rather painful situation. Unless the client is receptive to what you say, you may not have much luck. Even if the client is receptive, these types of imbalances often need psychological counselling before they can be alleviated, due to their strong fixed overtones.

The study of mysticism can be a beneficial antidote if the client is relatively level-headed. Astrology, palmistry or graphology would be safe suggestions. Scientific studies such as chemistry can also be beneficial. For some clients, perfume-making will appeal. Philosophy is another good antidote. The particular philosophy would of course depend on the client’s aptitudes and interests. Research work of any type would prove beneficial. The client will be happiest doing something that he or she feels will have important results. Hobbies are less effective for these clients than for most unless they involve serious study. Study and research are the best antidotes for these imbalances provided the client has sufficient intelligence and powers of concentration, since this type of antidote requires minimal risk-taking and only a modest cash outlay. The client should be referred to the appropriate study and research groups since, as with Libra, teamwork is an important factor in balancing.

Previous incarnation for this person was spent in considerable luxuries and a routine life. He really resisted any change that would come by his way or alter his lifestyle in that life. During this life, he will be modifying his value systems continuously and constantly. A total destructive tendency in those respects will be fully justifiable as far as he is concerned. Thus, he will go from one extreme stage of living to another during the same life. His hidden motive and energies are strong, and he will use them whenever he has to. As long as nobody obstructs his way, he is very quiet, polite and well-mannered. His instincts are strong, but they have a ‘get-even’ type of attitude. He may forget, but never forgive, what others do to him.

The Taurus Ketu’s house position may indicate the nature of certain restrictive behavior patterns which obstruct your progress. Radical attitude changes may be required to transform these from limitations to offers of new opportunities. Often these patterns involve the Taurean tendency toward possessive materialism, where feelings of insecurity and stability are connected to material well-being. The desire for pleasure, comforts, and home enjoyments can exaggerate materialistic demands, so that your needs involve ongoing acquisitions and possessions.

Contention over ownership and possessions may rise from this impulse, or over people and family matters. Relationships can be affected detrimentally if this tendency becomes excessive or is not consciously modified. People rarely like feeling ‘owned’ by anyone; and a family is the most common situation where authoritarian attitude are easily applied and abused, particularly by force or emotional manipulation of circumstances in your favor.

It may be difficult to avoid an organized but repetitive lifestyle, especially one self-created to shield disruptive change. This is an example of Taurean placidity, a ruminative enjoyment of stability and security. Yet, even accumulating possessions will begin to weigh heavily, restricting freedom. Eventually, Scorpio’s transforming energy will undermine your foundations. If your identity becomes dependent on material status and possessions and your values are dominated by materialism, this may become an area for unavoidable change.

You may be a slower learner than most, relying on traditional social attitudes for your worldview. You develop and learn at your own pace. Fixed life foundations are established and relied on for security and as a defence to resist change and any disturbing influences. Yet you may need to redefine and reshape yourself, gradually forming a new self-image based on higher values rather than on self-centredness.

Your preoccupied focus toward materialism needs changing, redirecting attention from the outer world and possessions toward self-understanding and inner growth. If developed, this can create greater self-esteem and assertiveness, which comes from inner stability rather that being based on external supports, habit patterns and possessions. Personal talents and material resources are then applied toward constructive practical action, and directed to build a renewed life-style.

Understanding the tension between Taurean resistance to change and the Scorpionic transformative impulse is necessary. What may occur is that the Scorpio energies gradually undermine efforts to maintain stability. Once stability becomes fragile and you feel vulnerable and exposed, you may realize the necessity to transform restrictive and limiting behavior patterns and life-styles. Such experiences may prove uncomfortable and difficult. You may feel forced by circumstances to ‘burn bridges behind you’, to release the ties of the past and become receptive to new experiences. Your dependency on fixed behavior patterns or on a materialistic life-style may be dissolved by the Scorpionis transformation. This would not be a negative experience - despite your reactions to its impact - but rather one which aims to liberate you. How much you could be expected to release and relinquish mat depend on your resistance to change; the more you resist, the more transformation may ‘cost’ you. It is a rebirth that awaits and may be unavoidable. The old always has to be replaced by the new. You are advised to welcome this crisis whenever it arrives, because it is for your benefit, even though initially you may not see it in that light.

In the fixed Water sign, Scorpio, an effort is made to establish a regular system. Here, too, as in the opposite sign, Taurus, one is concerned with the use of material resources; now, however, they are other people’s material resources. Thus in Scorpio we often meet the type that administers the property of others, manages them, utilizes and fosters their talents, and acts as an agent for their skills and services. In principle, the Scorpio Node challenges us to be prepared to act on behalf of others and to exploit their resources for their benefit and in accordance with their intentions. Obviously, in such a situation, the natives have to stand back a little, though of course having a personal part to play. In order to exercise such a function, they have to gain a place in society. The Scorpio Node always indicates an effort to achieve a certain social status. This can mean nothing more than ambition and the aspiration to be someone important, especially with hard aspects to the Node. Scorpios always think they are able to decide what is good for others. Usually they can give them helpful advice on how to realize their assets, and on how to find the best chances of success.

Scorpios avail themselves of existing forms and structures. With the Scorpio Node, one can easily adapt to current social arrangements. One can also develop the knack of exploiting them to the advantage of oneself and others.

To Be Continued .............


  1. Great post! I personally feel, it is accurate,but providing references would benefit everyone else too!

  2. An amazingly accurate assessment.

    I also checked out the article about rahu in gemini, as in chart rahu is in the third house, and again I am astounded by the accuracy of your observations. Great job.

  3. Work well done as most of the things I have seen in my dreams .

  4. Brilliant, amazing analytical writing.

  5. Amazing, insightful makes me think about my life and behaviours, as I am under this planetary influence.

  6. Hello,

    I think you hit the nail on this article. How can I contact you? Not sure if you will get this message but please find my email as given if you have a chance. I'd really appreciate a reading from you and discuss.. If you cannot, keep up the great work and I wish you well.


  7. Please send a direct mail to the mail address given on this blog
